

On the photo from left are the first staff members of the school from left Ms. Zubeida Khan, Mr. Johaar Adams(principal) Sheikh Abubakr Najaar and Ms. S. Khan
The school was established in 1928 when a few concerned parents saw the need for the Muslim community to start their own primary school. Some of the parents who were ordinary working class people, many being fisherman and people employed in the building industry started fund raising efforts such as cake sales and other simplistic ways to make a few pennies. Some of the ladies are reported to have bought the cakes they have made themselves. When the school started in 1928 there was no principal. Later, Mr. Johaar Adams came from Simons Town and became the school's first principal. During the early years of the school's existence there were only a few teachers among others, Mr. Johaar Adams, Miss Zubeida Khan,Ms. S. Khan, Mrs. Rukea Domingo, Mrs. Fatima Bazier, Mrs. Gadija Martin, Ms. Mymoena Moerat, Ms. Gafsah Kongoo (Manuel), Ms. Jane Kongoo, Mr. Bienjamien Crombie, Mr. M.A. Arnold and Mrs. Allie. The school was very much in its teething stages and there was a perception that it could not academically compete with some of the more established schools such as C.R. Rhoda. With the hard work and dedication of the pioneers the school gradually started gaining the confidence and popularity of the Muslim community and more people started enrolling their children at the school.


  1. Well done STRAND MOSLEM PS !! Keep it up. Thank you Rhejaat for the work you are doing at SMPS - you are doing great ICT work. You have had a very positive impact on the LAB and contributed to the siginficant skills the staff is enjoyning.


  2. Well done Strand Moslem PS. 10/10.

    What is very clear form reading the postings and studying the photos, is that SMPS did many of the achievements by doing it themselves - the school, staff and community did not wait for some "outside forces" to assist, but got the job done in no time - from the new building with extra classrooms, to ICT Skills done on Saturdays for the community !! What an achievement !!

